Tuesday, October 20, 2009

How to make a person feel small

You are only one person and not many.

when someone tells you one thing and another wants to control another thing and those two are not communicating, it really sucks especially when you are the middle man in everything.

again, here at work... another way that my work has made me feel depressed.

Right now i feel so small in this world when i go to work. I know my stuff but feels like I dont know what is going on just do to the fact that there is a lack of communication around me. When i should be in the loop for things, I am not. When other reviews things that I produce, its a review for a reason, not to point fingers at the source for not catching the mistake.

again, I am only one person with many moving parts around me.

I feel keep my chin up today and hopefully get through today with a smile instead of feeling stressed or depressed over stupid things.

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