Monday, December 07, 2009

Weekend We-Cap.. i mean recap

So it all started on Saturday..

I knew I had to go to Renegades Open house and was very excited to see everyone again and had to test the playing fields to see if I was ready to perform again.

It was hard to get in the groove of things but hey.. it all starts off with a drive to San Jose where it begins for the 2010 season.
an hour after of leaving the house, I arrived to the school that had lots of things going on.

So to sum it up because I like to keep my post short and to the point.

Open house had lots of camera crews that were filming for a pilot reality show.

Everywhere you went or did was being recorded except for the part of people pooping and such.

well they may had a moment where they caught someone farting in the Bari line. but that was about it. nothing too much.

You get used to having cameras around and you start to feel like a star. Hopefully. We will have more crews and real camera people around for the real show! That would be awesome.

anyways, this years theme is about space and planets. A mix of Gustav Holst and other planet-type things going on. Great music and parts.

After saturday night was the party at Gilmans.. I miss these people seriously, but i really miss being at home and thats when I started to get home sick. I really didnt have a place to crash that night so i slept in my car for the night getting ready for the next day.

then went to practice again... still MAJORLY homesick.. such an odd feeling.I miss being at home being with the dogs and sleeping in my bed. When im in a situation where it is uncertain as to what i am going to be doing... i just dont like that feeling.

But really got me hyped was full ensemble. That really triggered something in me to stay for the long run and see if those odd feelings will go away.


Go renengades... you've been missed by me and I look forward to bring myself as a competitive MoFo and a stronger player!

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