Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Taking Flight

From the distant it's calling,
I hear it roaming,
Releasing the moment to fly,
To show each feather in glide,
But with these clipped wings,
Limitation sets it route,
Only a hop is admitted,
No distant to be seen,
Only the radius of what the chain allows,
A scar is formed,
Swollen and fearful of healing to nothing,
repeating again until released.

Sent from my iPhone

Monday, July 12, 2010


From: <>
Date: July 13, 2010 1:39:45 EDT
To: renegades 


Attention Group:

The Blue Devils, who have been solid supporters of the Renegades since Day 1, are asking for our help. They really need our support in helping to fend off a private developer that is trying to set up a bingo game in the Concord area. Anyone that is anywhere close should plan to go to the Concord City Council meeting on Tuesday night to stand up for the Blue Devils. 

They have selflessly supported us through the years with free equipment and rehearsal sites, let's do the same!! Read through the following and do what you can to support the cause!

Begin forwarded message:

From: David Gibbs 

Hi All,
I have an important request for all of the members, parents, alumni, supporters and fans of The Concord Blue Devils.
What you already know.
The Blue Devils have been serving youth in Concord and around the world for over 52 years. We directly service over 600 youth each year with our six programs. We indirectly service over 2 million youth around the world with a variety of efforts and initiatives ever year. 
How we're funded.
Bingo is our most important fundraiser that allows us to continue to service millions of young people in the foreseeable future. And while we're looking for ways to diversify financially, we're not there yet and still rely on bingo heavily.
Some fast facts:
  • The State of California allows ONLY non-profits to run bingo for charitable purposes.
  • Unfortunately Bingo is a declining industry for a variety of reasons.
  • Bingo games in the area have disappeared and the industry has contracted.
  • We currently operate at less than 50% of our capacity at our hall alone. 
Our funding is now in serious jeopardy. The future of Blue Devils is at stake.
The Blue Devil bingo game that we created and have nurtured for over 30 years in the City of Concord is in jeopardy because of a proposal before the city of Concord. 
Some fast facts:
  • There is a plan to open a bingo game less than three miles from our location by a professional bingo operator from Virginia looking to expand his operation.
  • This operator has partnered with a long-term land owner and real estate developer in Concord who owns a building that has been vacant for over three years (it's where Velocity Sports used to be on Willow Pass Rd.)
The net
Since Bingo is a shrinking business with a limited client base, we believe the newly proposed bingo hall will directly impact/divert our limited players from the Blue Devil bingo facility to the new seemingly for-profit business opportunity for these two entities.
Our position on this issue
  • The Blue Devils have NEVER fought an opportunity for charities to run Bingo in Concord.
  • In fact, we already support several charities in our facility, and will continue to work with any charity in Concord to help them start a bingo game if they so desire  (we have plenty of additional capacity to support these non-profit groups).
  • We believe the proposed bingo hall is a for-profit business opportunity for two businessmen at the expense of a 52-year old, non-profit Concord institution. This is just not acceptable. 
What we need from you on Tuesday July 13
This Tuesday July 13 the Concord City Council will decide if the new bingo game will open just three miles from the Blue Devils venue, and whether they are willing to sacrifice a Concord institution for the benefit of a few businessmen. 
How can you help?
The opportunity to prevent this tragedy will occur next Tuesday evening.  We need EVERY person that is in the Concord area to show up in person wearing your favorite Blue Devil Shirt and hat at the meeting:
Tuesday -  July 13, 2010 - 6:30pm
Concord City Hall
1950 Parkside Drive
Concord, CA 94519
Please arrive by 6:00pm
In the meantime, here's what you can do
The City Council needs to hear from you. It's imperative that you write the City Council today to let them know how important the Blue Devils have been in your life or your child's life. Describe how our organization has changed the lives of all that we have touched, and why the Blue Devils have been a positive and influential partner to the City of Concord for over 52 years.  
Please state that you want a full and complete study by the City that fully investigates the effects of the new bingo parlor on various charities and the Blue Devils. The survival of the Blue Devils is at stake and we do not want the city to make a rash and uninformed decision. Please mention if you are a Concord resident.
How to send your message
1. Email
2. Fax: (925) 798-0636
Please FAX and email your letter to all five council members. Please put "Attention" followed by the name of all 5 specific council members:
The Honorable Mayor Guy S. Bjerke
The Honorable Vice Mayor Helen M. Allen
The Honorable Council member Laura M. Hoffmeister
The Honorable Council member Mark A. Peterson
The Honorable Council member William D. Shinn
3. Call the City Council Office at  (925) 671-3158           
Call and leave a message of your support by calling the city
There is no going back after Tuesday
The Blue Devils have served the City of Concord though our youth programs, serving on city committees, performing at city events, partnering on city initiatives, and have demonstrated to be a model non-profit organization. This new bingo hall proposal is the most important issue threatening the survival of the Blue Devils in all our years. The very people deciding our fate are our own elected Concord Council members. If you care about the Blue Devils, the drum corps activity and the importance of the Blue Devils as a part of music education and young people in the city and around the world that we impact ------- then we need your HELP TODAY!!!!! If you care about the good of multiple charitable organizations that we support through our bingo facility, then please become involved.  There is no going back after next Tuesday. Please write and call today -- PLEASE SHOW UP NEXT TUESDAY!
Sincerely --  Thank you!
David Gibbs,
Executive Director, Blue Devils