Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dog Training Question: Peeing in the House


So CJ... how do you make a 4 yr old Chihuahua stop peeing in the house? If you put something on the floor... he will pee on it every time. Its gross! I say get rid of him.. he bites anyways.. but mom wont get rid of him.. we have tried lots of things but nothing works!


A few questions I have first

1) is the dog neutered?

2) does he receive the proper exercise?

3) Does he have free range to water?

As many knows, an unfixed dog would want to mark its territory and claim his possessions. Since the dog is 4yrs old, it is going to be tougher to get him to break this habit. Once thing to do is to PRAISE the dog that it went to the potty outside at a certain area. If he is food driven then praise him with a delicious morsel of something really good that you do not give him on a regular basis. Remember, this is going to take sometime and will not happen over night. Another thing to do is to limit its drinking habits. Its good to have water there for a dog, but when the dog has too much water he would need to let it go.

What i did for my old lady here, which she was 7yo when i got her and not trained! was limit her consumptions of water. At a certain time at night, I cut off her drinking privileges just because she would just soil everything at night And i also made a schedule her to go potty. A simple schedule is this: Right when you wake up let the dog out, bring them in to feed, and let them out again to let them go potty. When going to work, I crate trained the dogs, the dogs have a better chance of not going anywhere in the house since there is no supervision.  When I arrive home for lunch or for work, then let the dog out again and make sure it went potty.

If he is still making accidents in the house and you do not know what to do:

 DO NOT GET MAD or show aggression towards the dog. That is not healthy and can cause the dog to be more aggressive. You will need to catch him right before the act of doing it and make a noise or something to distract him. If he didnt go, carry him outside and see if he goes potty then reward that he did a "good potty"

Quick recap tips:

• Choose a designated spot for it to go potty, either its a potty pad or some spot outside.

• Praise the dog for going potty in that certain spot, reward him with a good treat each time he goes there.

• If the dog is outside using the potty then teach him that he is not allowed in the house until he goes potty, please make sure he does so that he can make the connection of "Must go potty before entering"

• Its all about timing, once you know he about to do something, take him out right away so that he can receive his treat for going potty outside.

I cant guarantee that will work, but these are just a few tips that can help you out! But again, there are male dog diapers now! lol

Night time

Its gaining outside at the moment really hard and I'm still awake. Thought I would share this!

Anyway, I'm doing better and been dealing with the little pain now that I no longer need vicodine.
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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Westboro Church: God Hates Lady Gaga | News |

Westboro Church: God Hates Lady Gaga | News |

The Westboro Baptist Church announced Tuesday that it will be protesting outside Lady Gaga's St. Louis concert January 7.

"'Art' and 'fashion' are the euphemisms, the guise under which proud whore Lady Gaga teaches rebellion against God," reads a press release issued by the controversial Topeka, Kan.–based church.

The church, headed by Pastor Fred Phelps and infamous for its "God Hates Fags" placards, will demonstrate at Gaga's concert with "God Hates Lady Gaga" signs.

"We will be going to her concert with placards reading God Hates Lady Gaga to inform people that they will be going to hell too if they listen to her messages," said attorney and member Shirley Phelps-Roper, reports Radar Online. "According to the Bible homosexuality is an abomination and she has to shut her filthy mouth and stop promoting it.”

Westboro has organized similar protests this year outside of an American Idol concert featuring Adam Lambert and at the Academy Awards in response to Sean Penn's nomination for Milk.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cirque du soliel. OVO

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Humor, Winter Driving

It happens to all of us...

You're driving along Just minding your own business, When all of a sudden - Without any warning, This Dick In A Truck Pulls out right in front of you......

Happy Winter Driving Season!!!

Please Be Careful Out There And Stay Safe
Cause They're Everywhere!!!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Weekend We-Cap.. i mean recap

So it all started on Saturday..

I knew I had to go to Renegades Open house and was very excited to see everyone again and had to test the playing fields to see if I was ready to perform again.

It was hard to get in the groove of things but hey.. it all starts off with a drive to San Jose where it begins for the 2010 season.
an hour after of leaving the house, I arrived to the school that had lots of things going on.

So to sum it up because I like to keep my post short and to the point.

Open house had lots of camera crews that were filming for a pilot reality show.

Everywhere you went or did was being recorded except for the part of people pooping and such.

well they may had a moment where they caught someone farting in the Bari line. but that was about it. nothing too much.

You get used to having cameras around and you start to feel like a star. Hopefully. We will have more crews and real camera people around for the real show! That would be awesome.

anyways, this years theme is about space and planets. A mix of Gustav Holst and other planet-type things going on. Great music and parts.

After saturday night was the party at Gilmans.. I miss these people seriously, but i really miss being at home and thats when I started to get home sick. I really didnt have a place to crash that night so i slept in my car for the night getting ready for the next day.

then went to practice again... still MAJORLY homesick.. such an odd feeling.I miss being at home being with the dogs and sleeping in my bed. When im in a situation where it is uncertain as to what i am going to be doing... i just dont like that feeling.

But really got me hyped was full ensemble. That really triggered something in me to stay for the long run and see if those odd feelings will go away.


Go renengades... you've been missed by me and I look forward to bring myself as a competitive MoFo and a stronger player!

2008 Holiday Card Design for work

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Seven gades

Chillin in San Jose by the fire at gilmans..... All for renegades!
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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Puppy needs a home!!

 Please contact me if you know any good possible owners interested in adopting this wonderful looking puppy!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


I found this...
I found art...
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