Sunday, December 27, 2009

Dog Training Question: Peeing in the House


So CJ... how do you make a 4 yr old Chihuahua stop peeing in the house? If you put something on the floor... he will pee on it every time. Its gross! I say get rid of him.. he bites anyways.. but mom wont get rid of him.. we have tried lots of things but nothing works!


A few questions I have first

1) is the dog neutered?

2) does he receive the proper exercise?

3) Does he have free range to water?

As many knows, an unfixed dog would want to mark its territory and claim his possessions. Since the dog is 4yrs old, it is going to be tougher to get him to break this habit. Once thing to do is to PRAISE the dog that it went to the potty outside at a certain area. If he is food driven then praise him with a delicious morsel of something really good that you do not give him on a regular basis. Remember, this is going to take sometime and will not happen over night. Another thing to do is to limit its drinking habits. Its good to have water there for a dog, but when the dog has too much water he would need to let it go.

What i did for my old lady here, which she was 7yo when i got her and not trained! was limit her consumptions of water. At a certain time at night, I cut off her drinking privileges just because she would just soil everything at night And i also made a schedule her to go potty. A simple schedule is this: Right when you wake up let the dog out, bring them in to feed, and let them out again to let them go potty. When going to work, I crate trained the dogs, the dogs have a better chance of not going anywhere in the house since there is no supervision.  When I arrive home for lunch or for work, then let the dog out again and make sure it went potty.

If he is still making accidents in the house and you do not know what to do:

 DO NOT GET MAD or show aggression towards the dog. That is not healthy and can cause the dog to be more aggressive. You will need to catch him right before the act of doing it and make a noise or something to distract him. If he didnt go, carry him outside and see if he goes potty then reward that he did a "good potty"

Quick recap tips:

• Choose a designated spot for it to go potty, either its a potty pad or some spot outside.

• Praise the dog for going potty in that certain spot, reward him with a good treat each time he goes there.

• If the dog is outside using the potty then teach him that he is not allowed in the house until he goes potty, please make sure he does so that he can make the connection of "Must go potty before entering"

• Its all about timing, once you know he about to do something, take him out right away so that he can receive his treat for going potty outside.

I cant guarantee that will work, but these are just a few tips that can help you out! But again, there are male dog diapers now! lol

Night time

Its gaining outside at the moment really hard and I'm still awake. Thought I would share this!

Anyway, I'm doing better and been dealing with the little pain now that I no longer need vicodine.
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Thursday, December 24, 2009

Westboro Church: God Hates Lady Gaga | News |

Westboro Church: God Hates Lady Gaga | News |

The Westboro Baptist Church announced Tuesday that it will be protesting outside Lady Gaga's St. Louis concert January 7.

"'Art' and 'fashion' are the euphemisms, the guise under which proud whore Lady Gaga teaches rebellion against God," reads a press release issued by the controversial Topeka, Kan.–based church.

The church, headed by Pastor Fred Phelps and infamous for its "God Hates Fags" placards, will demonstrate at Gaga's concert with "God Hates Lady Gaga" signs.

"We will be going to her concert with placards reading God Hates Lady Gaga to inform people that they will be going to hell too if they listen to her messages," said attorney and member Shirley Phelps-Roper, reports Radar Online. "According to the Bible homosexuality is an abomination and she has to shut her filthy mouth and stop promoting it.”

Westboro has organized similar protests this year outside of an American Idol concert featuring Adam Lambert and at the Academy Awards in response to Sean Penn's nomination for Milk.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Cirque du soliel. OVO

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Humor, Winter Driving

It happens to all of us...

You're driving along Just minding your own business, When all of a sudden - Without any warning, This Dick In A Truck Pulls out right in front of you......

Happy Winter Driving Season!!!

Please Be Careful Out There And Stay Safe
Cause They're Everywhere!!!

Monday, December 07, 2009

Weekend We-Cap.. i mean recap

So it all started on Saturday..

I knew I had to go to Renegades Open house and was very excited to see everyone again and had to test the playing fields to see if I was ready to perform again.

It was hard to get in the groove of things but hey.. it all starts off with a drive to San Jose where it begins for the 2010 season.
an hour after of leaving the house, I arrived to the school that had lots of things going on.

So to sum it up because I like to keep my post short and to the point.

Open house had lots of camera crews that were filming for a pilot reality show.

Everywhere you went or did was being recorded except for the part of people pooping and such.

well they may had a moment where they caught someone farting in the Bari line. but that was about it. nothing too much.

You get used to having cameras around and you start to feel like a star. Hopefully. We will have more crews and real camera people around for the real show! That would be awesome.

anyways, this years theme is about space and planets. A mix of Gustav Holst and other planet-type things going on. Great music and parts.

After saturday night was the party at Gilmans.. I miss these people seriously, but i really miss being at home and thats when I started to get home sick. I really didnt have a place to crash that night so i slept in my car for the night getting ready for the next day.

then went to practice again... still MAJORLY homesick.. such an odd feeling.I miss being at home being with the dogs and sleeping in my bed. When im in a situation where it is uncertain as to what i am going to be doing... i just dont like that feeling.

But really got me hyped was full ensemble. That really triggered something in me to stay for the long run and see if those odd feelings will go away.


Go renengades... you've been missed by me and I look forward to bring myself as a competitive MoFo and a stronger player!

2008 Holiday Card Design for work

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Seven gades

Chillin in San Jose by the fire at gilmans..... All for renegades!
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Thursday, December 03, 2009

Puppy needs a home!!

 Please contact me if you know any good possible owners interested in adopting this wonderful looking puppy!

Tuesday, December 01, 2009


I found this...
I found art...
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Saturday, November 28, 2009

I see you

Princess attempting to peek through the window!
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Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I just wanted to take a moment and be thankful for all in my life...

Friends, Family, Ghost, Animals, Aliens, things and stuff...

Thank you!!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

Ciao Federico

Famous as the showman of the grotesque,
You were the eye of lonely nights
And the unfulfilled provincial dreams
You never quite left behind for Roma.

A Catholic childhood could not erase
Your empathy for outcasts
And empty streets where escaped horses
Run in sleeping towns.

Poet of clowns and the little cabaret
Artistes who live on the road
And out of suitcases
And never make it to the big time.

For me, you were the titular author
Of that autmn evening when I feasted
With amateur actors in a restaurant
At a railway crossing near Ferrara.

After a ten-course fish banguet, the plump cook-
Hand-rolled cigarette glued to his lip
And wearing a newspaper chef's hat-
Danced with the mayor's bean-pole chauffeur.

A scene from your native Emilia Romagna
In a file you never made.
A night of wine, food, song, laughter
And friendship shared with strangers.

How we delayed our goodnights-
At the table-caiao!
At the tops of the stairs-ciao!
At the bottom of the stairs-ciao!

In the front doorway- ciao!
In the foggy dark as a train flashed by0 ciao!
By the fleet of little cars that had
Transported us to that remote location- cia!

At the entrance of the Railway Hotel
Where our hosts returned us- ciao!
Ciao, Federico. Ciao, maestro.
Grazie per tutti.


I just wanted to say thank you for this lovely poem and I hope friendship will be fruitful for all... =)

Thank you new found neighbors!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Charlie & Anne Powell.. Congrats

for more pictures, please visit:

Monday, November 09, 2009

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Commandants Birthday Message (2009)


United States Marines represent the best young men and women our Nation has to offer. To be a Marine is to be a member of America's warrior class - to be one of the few who steps forward with the courage and conviction to face whatever dangers await. Our Nation expects her Marines to be ready when the Nation calls; to leave family and the comforts of home behind; to march into battle and thrive under austerity; and to come home under a victory pennant.

From Al Anbar in the west of Iraq, to Helmand Province in the south of Afghanistan, our Corps of Marines can always expect to be found where the fight is toughest. Such is our history. Today, as we write the final chapter on our victory in Iraq, we will increasingly take the fight to the enemy in Afghanistan and add new pages to our legacy in places called Delaram, Now Zad, and Garmsir. One day, we will return to our naval heritage and patrol the high seas with our Navy brothers. Such is our future.

As we celebrate our Corps' 234th Birthday, we first pause to reflect and pay tribute to those Marines who have given the last full measure in defense of freedom. We extend our deepest gratitude to our Marine Corps families - the unsung heroes who endure hardship and sacrifice so that we are able to go forward and accomplish any mission. We extend our appreciation to our countrymen who have answered our every need. And we celebrate the magnificent men and women who willingly and selflessly continue to go into harm's way to protect this great Nation.

To all who have gone before, to those who wear the uniform today, and to the families that give us the strength to forge ahead - I wish you all a heartfelt Happy 234th Birthday!

Semper Fidelis,

James T. Conway
General, U.S. Marine Corps

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Friday, November 06, 2009

Do I really have to. Seriously it feels like I'm just getting drained from work and all. My energy is gone and it is affecting my personal life.

Just got to remember to keep my chin up and live life..........
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Thursday, November 05, 2009

Army: 12 die, 31 wounded in Fort Hood shooting

FORT HOOD, Texas – A soldier opened fire at a U.S. Army base in Fort Hood, Texas on Thursday, unleashing a stream of gunfire that left 12 people dead and 31 wounded. Authorities killed the gunman, and apprehended two other soldiers suspected in what appears to be the worst mass shooting at a U.S. military base.

The shooting began around 1:30 p.m., Lt. Gen. Bob Cone said at a news conference. He said all the casualties took place at the base's Soldier Readiness Center, where soldiers who are about to be deployed or who are returning undergo medical screening.

"It's a terrible tragedy. It's stunning," Cone said.

A law enforcement official identified the shooting suspect as Army Maj. Malik Nadal Hasan. The official said Hasan, believed to be in his late 30s, was killed after opening fire at the base. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the case publicly.

The official says investigators are trying to determine if Hasan was his birth name, or if he changed his name and converted to Islam at some point in his life.

Cone said the soldier used two handguns in the attack. It was not clear if the gunman had stopped to reload.

A graduation ceremony for soldiers who finished college courses while deployed was going on in an auditorium at the Readiness Center at the time of the shooting, said Sgt. Rebekah Lampam, a Fort Hood spokeswoman.

Greg Schanepp, U.S. Rep. John Carter's regional director in Texas, was representing Carter at the graduation, said John Stone, a spokesman for Carter, whose district includes the Army post.

Schanepp was at the ceremony when a soldier who had been shot in the back came running toward him and alerted him of the shooting, Stone said. The soldier told Schanepp not to go in the direction of the shooter, he said. Stone said he believes Schanepp was in the theater.

The base was locked down after the shootings. The wounded were dispersed among hospitals in central Texas, Cone said.

The shootings on the Texas military base stirred memories of other recent mass shootings in the United States, including 13 dead at a New York immigrant center in March, 10 killed during a gunman's rampage across Alabama in March and 32 killed in the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history at Virginia Tech in 2007.

Around the country, some bases stepped up security precautions, but no others were locked down.

"The bottom line for us is that we are increasing security at our gates because the threat hasn't yet been defined, and we're reminding our Marines to be vigilant in their areas of responsibility," said Capt. Rob Dolan, public affairs officer for the Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma, Ariz.

In Washington, President Barack Obama called the shooting "a horrific outburst of violence." He said it's a tragedy to lose a soldier overseas and even more horrifying when they come under fire at an Army base on American soil.

"We will make sure that we get answers to every single question about this horrible incident," the commander in chief said. "We are going to stay on this."

Covering 339 square miles, Fort Hood is the largest active duty armored post in the United States. Home to about 52,000 troops as of earlier this year, the sprawling base is located halfway between Austin and Waco.

About a mile from Fort Hood's east gate, Cynthia Thomas, director of Under the Hood Cafe, a local coffee shop and nonprofit military support center, has been calling soldiers and friends on the post to make sure they're OK.

"It's chaotic," Thomas said, as a SWAT team just drove by. "They're just saying that they're under attack they don't know what's going on. ... The phones are jammed. Everybody is calling family members and friends. Soldiers are running around with M-16s."

Fort Hood officially opened on Sept. 18, 1942, and was named in honor of Gen. John Bell Hood. It has been continuously used for armored training and is charged with maintaining readiness for combat missions.


AP National Security Writer Anne Gearan and Associated Press writers Suzanne Gamboa, Lolita C. Baldor and Devlin Barrett in Washington, D.C., and Associated Press Writer Jay Root in Fort Worth, Associated Press Writers Linda Stewart Ball, Anabelle Garay and Andre Coe in Dallas contributed to this report.;_ylt=Akm1ty55glcSzRMxJ79PftRH2ocA;_ylu=X3oDMTNhY241bnE1BGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkxMTA1L3VzX2ZvcnRfaG9vZF9zaG9vdGluZwRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wdWxhcgRjcG9zAzEEcG9zAzEEc2VjA3luX3RvcF9zdG9yaWVzBHNsawNhcm15MTJkaWVpbmQ-

Monday, November 02, 2009

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Wednesday, October 28, 2009


So i've been away from sports for a LONG TIME.. but for some darn reason.. i am hooked onto this world series crap...

anyways, Cliff Lee is my hero!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Exploratorium Day!

Today was a great day!!

Had a good time at the Exploratorium with Craig and my little boo-boo god son Ellijah!!!

here are some pictures from this even.

Friday, October 23, 2009

My Father

I was already the kid without a father and now i dont want to be the one who never got to know him.... hoping my dad the best recovery in health and lifestyle.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Details in the Fabric

Calm down, deep breaths
And get yourself dressed
Instead of running around
And pulling on your threads
And breaking yourself up

If it's a broken part, replace it
If it's a broken arm, then brace it
If it's a broken heart, then face it

And hold your own, know your name
And go your own way.
Hold your own, know your name
And go your own way.
And everything, will be fine.

Hang on, help is on the way
And stay strong, I'm doing everything

Hold your own, know your name
And go your own way.
Hold your own, know your name
And go your own way.
And everything,
Everything will be fine

All the details in the fabric
All the things that make you panic
All your thoughts, results of static cling
All the things that make you blow
Ain't no reason, go on and scream
If you're shocked,
It's just the fault of faulty manufacturing
Everything, will be fine
Everything, in time

Hold your own, know your name
And go your own way.
Hold your own,
(all the details in the fabric)
Know your name
(all the things that make you panic)
And go your own way
(all your thoughts, results of static cling)

Hold your own,
(all the details in the fabric)
Know your name
(all the things that make you panic)
And go your own way
(is it mother nature's sewing machine?)

Hold your own,
(all the things that make you blow)
Know your name
(ain't no reason, go on and scream)
And go your own way.
(if you're shocked, it's just the fault of faulty manufacturing)

Everything, will be fine
Everything, in no time at all
Hearts will hold...

How to make a person feel small

You are only one person and not many.

when someone tells you one thing and another wants to control another thing and those two are not communicating, it really sucks especially when you are the middle man in everything.

again, here at work... another way that my work has made me feel depressed.

Right now i feel so small in this world when i go to work. I know my stuff but feels like I dont know what is going on just do to the fact that there is a lack of communication around me. When i should be in the loop for things, I am not. When other reviews things that I produce, its a review for a reason, not to point fingers at the source for not catching the mistake.

again, I am only one person with many moving parts around me.

I feel keep my chin up today and hopefully get through today with a smile instead of feeling stressed or depressed over stupid things.

Monday, October 19, 2009


Just logging on do to the fact that I can't sleep. This sucks.
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